Cultural Sensitivity & Competency Training

If we are to make stronger connections across cultures and racial backgrounds, we must all take responsibility to build up our cultural competency. As systems, media, organizations, and so forth have perpetuated Euro-centric narratives, beliefs, lifestyles, and cultures for centuries, as our places of work strive to reflect and support the plurality of the global population we must elevate our understanding of our neighbours’ reality, thereby enabling this to be achieved. It’s incredible to see how quickly unconscious bias can be mitigated when we develop a more attuned understanding of one another. It’s also incredible to see how team dynamics are strengthened as a result of cultural competency training, and the productivity and growth that a company realizes as a result.

Meet three of your instructors:

Meet Three of your Instructors. This course will be narrated by three specialists in the field of recruitment and EDI. They will be introducing you to the various intergenerational dynamics at play in our society with an eye to EDI issues.

Stacy-Ann Buchanan

Marketing and Content Manager

Dr. Shirley Ley


Laurie Toulouse

Researcher and Consultant

Enrollment Fee